Lena Tutunjian
*b. Doha and currently lives in London
Lena Tutunjian past solo and two person shows include Give Yourself The Mic, Guzzler, Melbourne, Australia (2022); The soul of man, Guzzler, Melbourne, Australia (2020-21); Days of the week, Jo Brand, Glasgow (2019); Have you considered deletion?, Luma Westbau, Zurich (2018); she_stays_underground_western_life, Svetlana, New York (2017); All the lies that keep the dream alive, Penarth Centre, London (2016); CUANA, Limazulu, London (2015) and Life Gallery presents Gili Tal and Lena Tuntunjian, Life Gallery, London (2014).
Lena Tutunjian I chose not to choose life, 2015 HD Video with sound 00’48’’ Courtesy of artist
Lena Tutunjian The soul of man, 2020 HD Video with sound 00’48’’ Courtesy of artist
Lena Tutunjian She_stays_underground, 2017 HD Video with sound 01’34’’ Courtesy of artist